Reminded me alot of Before Mydnight! Good Job! - Cobra151
Reminded me alot of Before Mydnight! Good Job! - Cobra151
Haha thanks so much man =D.
you continue to amaze me with the stuff you can crank out. your innate ability to pick out a catchy meloedy, your orchestration, your dynamics, all of it is absolutely amazing. this peice has alot bigger braod feel to it, the kind of feeling techno should have. Halleluia, praise be to God! Keep it up!
Thanks so much =D!
(Im really really happy now =D)
Fabulously done
I love this song, it has much more musicality than most of the stuff on NG. you dynamics a great. the getting quiet then suddenly bursting back out to Fortissimo really gives the peice life. your melody is great, all the synths fit the song very well! I love the transition at 0:44, the harmonies you use there are fantastic, they really support the song. The end is very cool as well, Good Job!
5/5x2(yesterday and today) - Cobra151
Wow two 5's! Thanks so much!!!
while Bach is great, this is not. It degrades the peice and takes all the life out of it. go get a professionally done recording!!
Ok, well I'm sorry you feel that way, but honestly,how can this be that bad?
While not agreeing what you say I'll defend to the death your right to say it.
And I don't know what makes you think you're the decider of what music is good and what isn't, but I'd check myself if I were you.
Joined on 10/6/08